Life of ease | Scott Wyatt

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Dear reader, I hate to tell you this but the ease word has no existence in life. When you looking at it, you will interpret it according to your point of view, and remember your opinion may work for one person and may not for another. To clarification, we respect your opinion so we want to know what are you think about what you will read and hear, Therefore, we strive to provide everything true. Honestly, when you ask people when you search in search engines about the life of ease, you will get lost. You will find too many like, 10 ways to feel more at ease in your life, what does easy life mean? Etc.


Actually, I do not think this is going your way. Dude, do not waste your time and DON'T focus on what doesn't work for you, because where your focus goes your energy flows. Without cheating or lying when that moment comes without a doubt, this means that your life is the opposite of easy, isn't it? Or just curiosity? If so, that's great. The reason is that being curious before any problem occurs is better than being in trouble so after that, you trying to get out of pain in any way, no matter what. Well, at the beginning of our words, we said that the word ease does not exist in this life, and we weren't kidding about it.


Originally, you will only find ease if you looking for it, but where? You will find it with difficulties. Yes, it is. These difficulties may be useful to us sometimes, and we may or may not learn. Life passes and we repeat the famous saying: I am an open book. Be an open book means a person or thing that is easy to learn about and understand, there is nothing to hide. The question is for whom? Every person who passes by you dares to turn that book and write whatever wants on your pages. One of the wise men once said: age is nothing but like a book. His cover from the front and behinds like birth and death and his pages is a day. The more you fold the pages, the closer you will die.


Everyone wants to live long, right? Of course, but what are our use without working hard? Are not we looking for successful results? You should talk to yourself about what is the use? That voice inside your head always talking to you, so you must distinguish, recognize, and treat the words that are repeated inside your head. Always repeat to yourself I will not allow anyone to turn my pages only if I want. Make it a habit for you that you will learn from your past in order to live your present to a better future. I will not compare myself to anyone, whatever happens. I am how I am, and I am capable. I am enough. It is very important to motivate oneself and the best thing about motivating ourselves is to work hard. The studies found that those in higher status roles were less likely to die of heart disease than those in lower status roles. The reality says is that you will not get a higher position without working hard and diligently and setting a goal for yourself and continuing with it no matter what happens. Also, Psychiatry has proven that work is good for mental health. The evidence all suggests that good work is crucial in promoting health. At the end of the day, hard work has good value in us and challenges make us strong.